Baby among 4 children found days after plane crash, support the search and relief efforts.

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Donations go directly to support the continued search and relief efforts Guaviare, Columbia. Baby among the 4 children found 17 days after plane crash.

The Story

A baby is among four children found alive in the Amazon Forest more than two weeks after surviving a plane crash that killed their mother and two other people, Colombian leaders confirmed Thursday.

The Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) said the May 1 crash, which claimed the lives of three adults, took place on the border between Caquetá and Guaviare in the southern central region of the country, about 250 miles south of the country’s capital of Bogota.

What Happened?

Officials in Colombia say four children missing since their plane crashed in the jungle have been found alive and well more than two weeks later.

Their mother and the other adults were killed in the crash. The government’s child welfare agency, ICBF, said it had received information “from the field” that the children had been found in good health. A pilot said he had also been told the children had been found by indigenous people deep in the rainforest. Soldiers taking part in the search, however, have yet to see the children for themselves. The Cessna 206 light aircraft they had been in was flying from Araracuara, deep in the Amazon jungle in southern Colombia, to San José del Guaviare, when it disappeared in the morning of 1 May.

Its pilot had earlier reported engine problems. After a huge search effort involving more than 100 soldiers, the plane was finally located on Monday, two weeks after it had disappeared. The bodies of the pilot, the co-pilot and 33-year-old Magdalena Mucutuy, the mother of the four children, were found at the crash site in Caquetá province. But the children, who are aged 13, nine and four years, as well as an 11-month-old baby, were nowhere to be found.

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